  1. jupyter-introduction

Introduction - ( Jupyter Tutorial )

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No specific syntax is required for using Jupyter notebooks. However, to start a Jupyter notebook server, use the following command in the command line:

jupyter notebook


To start a Jupyter notebook server, open the command line and enter the following command:

jupyter notebook


The Jupyter notebook server is started and a web page is opened in the default browser.


Jupyter notebooks are a popular tool for data analysis, visualization, and machine learning in Python. They provide an interactive environment where code, text, and visualizations can be combined in a single document.

To use Jupyter notebooks, we need to start a Jupyter notebook server. This can be done using the jupyter notebook command in the command line. Once the server is started, a web page is opened in the default browser and notebooks can be created, edited, and executed using the web interface.


Jupyter notebooks are a powerful tool for data analysis, visualization, and machine learning. They can be used to explore and analyze data, develop and test machine learning models, and share results and findings with others.

Important Points

  • Jupyter notebooks provide an interactive environment for data analysis, visualization, and machine learning
  • Jupyter notebooks can be started by jupyter notebook command in the command line
  • Jupyter notebooks allow code, text, and visualizations to be combined in a single document
  • Jupyter notebooks are widely used in data science, machine learning, and scientific research


In conclusion, Jupyter notebooks are a popular tool for data analysis, visualization, and machine learning. They provide an interactive environment where code, text, and visualizations can be combined in a single document. Jupyter notebooks can be started using the jupyter notebook command in the command line and are widely used in data science, machine learning, and scientific research.

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