  1. jupyter-managing-kernels

Managing Kernels - ( Jupyter Kernel and Environments )

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To manage kernels in Jupyter, use the following command:

jupyter kernelspec <action> [options]


To list all available kernels:

jupyter kernelspec list


A list of available kernels is displayed.


A kernel is a computing engine that executes the code in a Jupyter notebook. Jupyter supports multiple kernels, each of which supports a specific programming language or environment.

The jupyter kernelspec command can be used to manage kernels in Jupyter. This command supports various actions such as installing, listing, and removing kernels.

In the above example, we use the list action to list all available kernels.


Managing kernels is an important aspect of Jupyter notebook programming. Kernels can be installed, removed, and listed using the jupyter kernelspec command. This allows you to choose the right kernel for a specific programming language or environment.

Important Points

  • Jupyter notebook supports multiple kernels, each of which supports a specific programming language or environment
  • Kernels can be managed using the jupyter kernelspec command
  • This command supports various actions such as installing, listing, and removing kernels
  • Managing kernels is important for ensuring that the right kernel is used for a specific programming language or environment


In conclusion, managing kernels in Jupyter is an important aspect of notebook programming. Different kernels support different programming languages or environments, and the right kernel should be chosen based on the code being executed. The jupyter kernelspec command can be used to manage kernels in Jupyter, and supports various actions such as installing, listing, and removing kernels.

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