  1. django-session

Advanced Django Concepts


Django is a powerful and popular web framework that helps developers build web applications quickly and easily. In this session, we will cover some of the advanced concepts of Django. These concepts will help you enhance your Django skills and take your web application development to the next level.

1. Custom Django Managers


class CustomManager(models.Manager):
    # Custom Queryset & methods


class BlogManager(models.Manager):
    def get_queryset(self):
        return super().get_queryset().filter(status='published')

class Blog(models.Model):
        ('draft', 'Draft'),
        ('published', 'Published'),
    title = models.CharField(max_length=250)
    slug = models.SlugField(max_length=250, unique_for_date='published')
    body = models.TextField()
    author = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='blog_posts')
    published = models.DateTimeField(
    status = models.CharField(max_length=10, choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default='draft')
    objects = models.Manager() # The default manager.
    published_objects = BlogManager() # Custom manager.


The Blog.published_objects.all() method returns only the published blog posts.


Django managers are responsible for fetching data from the database. A custom manager allows you to define new methods that provide additional querying functionality. We can use a custom manager to create a new QuerySet that returns only the published blog posts.


Using custom managers is useful when you need to filter your database records in a specific way that cannot be achieved using the default Django QuerySet API.

Important Points

  • A custom manager should extend the models.Manager class.
  • Custom managers should define their own QuerySet methods.
  • It's recommended to keep the default manager also in case code outside your control expects it to be present.

2. Complex Queries with Django Q


from django.db.models import Q



from django.db.models import Q

# Query the database for all blog posts with "foo" in the title or body.
q_obj = Q(title__contains='foo') | Q(body__contains='foo')


This will return all the blog posts that match the given query.


In a Django QuerySet, the filter() method lets you build complex queries. Django Q objects allow you to construct complex queries that span multiple fields. The | operator combine two Q objects with an OR operator.


Django Q objects offer flexible querying options and can be used to create complex queries with AND, OR operators. These queries are more expressive than the default django SQL queries.

Important Points

  • Q objects is not limited to just one filter().
  • You can combine more than two queries using Q objects.
  • Using Q objects can prevent SQL injection attacks.


In this session, we learned about advanced concepts in Django including custom managers and complex queries. Custom managers provide a way to create custom querysets to filter database records in a specific way that cannot be achieved using the default Django QuerySet API. Django Q objects allows you to construct complex queries that span multiple fields with AND, OR operators. These features enhance your Django skills and make it easier to develop efficient and effective web applications.

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