  1. django-fixtures-in-django

Fixtures in Django - ( Web Development with Django )

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python loaddata fixture_file


Suppose we have Person model in Django, and we want to add some default data to test the application. We can use fixtures to load initial data to the database. First, we need to create a fixture file in JSON format.

        "model": "myapp.person",
        "pk": 1,
        "fields": {
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "age": 28
        "model": "myapp.person",
        "pk": 2,
        "fields": {
            "first_name": "Jane",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "age": 24

Save this file as person.json.

To load this into the database, we can run the following command:

python loaddata person.json


Installing json fixture 'person' from '/path/to/person.json'...
Installed 2 object(s) from 1 fixture(s)


Fixtures in Django are a way to load initial data into the database. This can be useful for testing or populating a new application with some default data.

Fixtures are stored in JSON format, and should be placed in a directory called fixtures in the relevant app's directory.

To load fixtures into the database, we use the loaddata command. This will read the fixture file and create objects in the database.


Fixtures can be used for many purposes, such as:

  • Populating a new application with initial data
  • Testing applications with predefined data
  • Sharing data between developers and environments

Important Points

  • Fixtures are stored in JSON format
  • Fixtures should be placed in a directory called fixtures in the relevant app's directory
  • The loaddata command is used to load fixtures into the database


In conclusion, fixtures are an important feature of Django that allow for the loading of initial data into the database. Fixtures can be useful for testing applications, populating new applications with data, and sharing data between developers and environments.

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