  1. django-select-related-and-prefetch-related

select_related and prefetch_related - ( Performance and Optimization in Django )

Heading h2



qs = Book.objects.select_related('author')


qs = Book.objects.prefetch_related('publisher')



books = Book.objects.select_related('author').filter(published=True)

for book in books:


books = Book.objects.prefetch_related('publisher').filter(published=True)

for book in books:



My Book Title John Doe
Another Book Title Jane Smith


My Book Title My Publisher Name
Another Book Title My Publisher Name


In Django, select_related and prefetch_related are used to optimize database queries by reducing the number of database queries being executed.

select_related is used to perform a SQL join query on related objects, so that the data can be retrieved in a single query. This can save time and resources when retrieving related objects that belong to a common foreign key.

prefetch_related is used to prefetch related objects in separate SQL queries. This is useful when you have a lot of related objects and you don't want to spend time performing SQL join queries for each related object.


select_related is useful when you have a foreign key relationship between two models and you want to retrieve data from both models in a single database query.

prefetch_related is useful when you have a many-to-many or a reverse foreign key relationship between two models and you want to retrieve data from both models. This can save you time and resources when you have a lot of related objects.

Important Points

  • select_related can optimize database queries by performing SQL join queries on related objects
  • prefetch_related can optimize database queries by prefetching related objects in separate queries
  • select_related is used for foreign key relationships and prefetch_related is used for many-to-many and reverse foreign key relationships


In conclusion, select_related and prefetch_related are powerful tools for optimizing database performance in Django. They can be used to reduce the number of database queries being executed, which can result in faster response times and better overall performance for your application. It is important to remember to use select_related for foreign key relationships and prefetch_related for many-to-many and reverse foreign key relationships to get the best performance results.

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