File Upload - ( File Handling and Outputs )
with open('filename',mode) as file:
# perform file operations
# Open a file and write contents to it
with open('example.txt','w') as file:
file.write('Hello World!')
The above example will create a file named 'example.txt' in the current working directory with the text 'Hello World!' written to it.
File handling is used to perform various operations on files like reading, writing, appending, etc. In Python, file handling is done using the built-in open() function. The open() function takes the filename and mode as parameters. The mode parameter specifies the purpose of the file operation, like 'r' for reading a file, 'w' for writing a file, and 'a' for appending to a file.
The with statement is used to ensure that the file is closed properly after the file operation is complete. This is because the file may remain open if an error occurs during the file operation.
File handling is widely used in Python to read and write files. It can be used to read data from a file, process it, and write the output to another file. It can also be used to store configuration files, log files, and data files.
Important Points:
- The mode parameter determines the purpose of the file operation.
- The with statement ensures that the file is closed properly after the file operation is complete.
- The open() function returns a file object that can be used to perform file operations.
File handling is an important concept in Python for reading and writing files. The open() function is used to perform various file operations like reading, writing, and appending. The with statement is used to ensure that the file is closed properly after the file operation is complete. It is important to use the correct mode parameter for the file operation, and to handle errors that may occur during file operations.