  1. cassandra-truncate-table

Truncate Table in Cassandra

In Cassandra, a table can be truncated to remove all data from it while preserving the schema. This operation is useful when we need to clear the data from a table without dropping and recreating it.


The syntax for truncating a table in Cassandra is:

TRUNCATE table_name;

Where table_name is the name of the table that we want to truncate.


Suppose we have a table named user_profiles, and we want to delete all data from it. We can use the TRUNCATE command to achieve this.

TRUNCATE user_profiles;


When the TRUNCATE command is executed, all data from the specified table (user_profiles in this example) is deleted.


The TRUNCATE command deletes all data from a table while preserving its schema. This means that the table will still exist, and we can insert data into it again in the future.

It is important to note that the TRUNCATE command is a non-transactional operation, which means that it cannot be rolled back. Once the command is executed, all data from the specified table is deleted, and it cannot be recovered.


The TRUNCATE command is useful when we want to clear the data from a table quickly without dropping and recreating it. It can be used in scenarios where we have a large amount of data that we need to delete or when we need to remove all data from a table for testing purposes.

Important Points

  • The TRUNCATE command is a non-transactional operation and cannot be rolled back.
  • The command deletes all data from the specified table while preserving its schema.
  • It is important to use the TRUNCATE command carefully and only when we are sure that we want to delete all data from the table.


In this tutorial, we learned about the TRUNCATE command in Cassandra, which is used to delete all data from a table while preserving its schema. We saw the syntax of the command, an example of how it can be used, and the output that it produces. We also discussed the importance of using this command carefully and only when necessary.

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