  1. cassandra-architecture

Cassandra Architecture

Cassandra is a NoSQL distributed database that provides scalability, high availability, fault tolerance, and tunable consistency. Its architecture is designed to handle large amounts of data across multiple commodity servers, providing a flexible and highly available platform for data-intensive applications.


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Cassandra's architecture is based on a peer-to-peer distributed system, with no master-slave architecture. All nodes in a Cassandra cluster are equal, and communicate with each other using a gossip protocol to keep the cluster in sync and aware of each other's status.

Each node in a Cassandra cluster is responsible for a subset of the data, and is replicated to other nodes for fault tolerance and high availability. The replication factor determines how many nodes each piece of data is stored on, which provides redundancy and allows Cassandra to survive the failure of individual nodes while maintaining data availability.

Cassandra uses a log-structured merge-tree (LSM) storage engine, which allows for efficient write operations and automatic compaction. Each write operation is appended to a commitlog, which is then flushed to disk periodically. Data is organized into a series of sorted data files (SSTables), which are merged together to form larger SSTables during compaction. This process ensures that read operations are efficient, even for large amounts of data.

Cassandra uses a ring-based partitioning scheme, which allows data to be distributed evenly across the cluster. Keys are hashed to determine which node in the cluster is responsible for storing the data. As more nodes are added to the cluster, the hash ring is rebalanced to ensure that data is evenly distributed.


Cassandra is used in a variety of use cases, including e-commerce, social media, analytics, and IoT. Its scalability, high availability, and fault tolerance make it ideal for use in applications that require large amounts of data to be stored and accessed quickly and reliably.

Important Points

  • Cassandra is a distributed database that provides scalability, high availability, fault tolerance, and tunable consistency.
  • Cassandra nodes communicate with each other using a gossip protocol to keep the cluster in sync and aware of each other's status.
  • Each Cassandra node is responsible for a subset of the data, which is replicated to ensure high availability and fault tolerance.
  • Cassandra uses a log-structured merge-tree (LSM) storage engine and a ring-based partitioning scheme for efficient read and write operations.
  • Cassandra is well-suited for applications with high data volumes and high write throughput.


Cassandra's architecture is designed to be highly scalable and fault-tolerant, while providing efficient read and write operations. Its peer-to-peer distributed system and ring-based partitioning scheme allow data to be distributed evenly across the cluster, while its LSM storage engine and automatic compaction ensure that read and write operations are efficient, even for large amounts of data. Cassandra is a popular NoSQL database for data-intensive applications that require high scalability, high availability, and fault tolerance.

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