  1. cassandra-cassandrabatch

Cassandra Batch

In Cassandra, a batch statement allows multiple updates, inserts, and deletes to be executed in a single operation. This can be useful in situations where multiple queries need to be executed atomically.


The syntax for creating a batch in Cassandra is as follows:



Suppose we have a keyspace called example with a table called users, containing columns for name, email, and age. We can use a batch statement to insert multiple rows in a single operation.

    INSERT INTO example.users (name, email, age) VALUES ('John Doe', '', 32);
    INSERT INTO example.users (name, email, age) VALUES ('Jane Smith', '', 28);
    INSERT INTO example.users (name, email, age) VALUES ('Bob Johnson', '', 40);


The output of the batch statement is a confirmation message indicating that the batch was executed successfully:

[applied] | BatchStatement |


The example above demonstrates a batch statement that inserts multiple rows into the users table using the INSERT statement. The BEGIN BATCH statement indicates the start of a batch, and all statements within the batch are executed atomically. The APPLY BATCH statement indicates the end of the batch.

Using a batch statement can improve performance by reducing the number of round trips between the client and the server. Additionally, batch statements offer atomicity guarantees, ensuring that either all of the statements within the batch are executed, or none of them are.


Batch statements in Cassandra can be used to execute multiple queries atomically, making them useful in situations where multiple updates, inserts, or deletes need to be executed as a single operation. This can be useful in situations such as:

  • Populating a new table with initial data.
  • Updating multiple rows in a table.
  • Deleting multiple rows from a table.

Important Points

  • Batch statements in Cassandra offer atomicity guarantees, ensuring that either all of the statements within the batch are executed, or none of them are.
  • Using a batch statement can improve performance by reducing the number of round trips between the client and the server.
  • Batch statements can be used to execute multiple queries atomically, making them useful in situations where multiple updates, inserts, or deletes need to be executed as a single operation.
  • Batch statements have limitations, such as a maximum batch size, and cannot be used with certain statements, such as SELECT statements.


In this tutorial, we learned about batch statements in Cassandra and how to use them to execute multiple updates, inserts, and deletes as a single operation. We saw the syntax for creating a batch statement and learned about the benefits of using batch statements, such as improved performance and atomicity guarantees. Additionally, we learned about the limitations of batch statements, such as a maximum batch size, and restrictions on certain types of queries.

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