  1. cassandra-cql-create-data

Cassandra Query Language (CQL) - Create Data

Cassandra Query Language (CQL) is the database language used to manipulate data in Apache Cassandra. In this tutorial, we will learn about creating data in Cassandra using CQL.


The syntax for creating data in Cassandra using CQL is:

INSERT INTO <table_name> (<column1> <operator> <value1>, <column2> <operator> <value2>, ...) VALUES (<value1>, <value2>, ...);


Suppose we have a keyspace called my_keyspace and a table called users with the following columns: id, first_name, last_name, and age. We can insert a new row of data into this table using the following CQL statement:

INSERT INTO my_keyspace.users (id, first_name, last_name, age) VALUES (1, 'John', 'Doe', 35);


If the query is successful, Cassandra will insert the new row of data into the users table. No output is generated for this operation.


The INSERT INTO statement tells Cassandra that we want to add a new row of data to the specified table. We then provide a list of column names and values for the new row using the VALUES keyword.

In the example, we are inserting a new row of data into the users table with id equal to 1, first_name equal to 'John', last_name equal to 'Doe', and age equal to 35.


CQL is used to create, read, update, and delete data in Cassandra. The INSERT INTO statement is used to create new rows of data in an existing table.

Important Points

  • The INSERT INTO statement is used to add new rows of data to an existing table.
  • The VALUES keyword is used to provide values for each column in the new row of data.
  • Make sure the values being inserted match the data types of the columns.
  • Ensure that the primary key columns are unique, as Cassandra will not allow duplicates.


In this tutorial, we learned about creating data in Cassandra using CQL. We saw the syntax for inserting a new row of data into a table and how to specify column names and values for the new row. We also covered the output and important points to keep in mind when using the INSERT INTO statement in CQL.

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