  1. c-sharp-program-to-add-two-complex-numbers-by-passing-structure-to-a-function

Program to Add Two Complex Numbers by Passing Structure to a Function - (C# Basic Programs)

In this tutorial, we will discuss a program to add two complex numbers by passing structure to a function using C# programming language.


struct Complex
    public float real, imaginary;

    public Complex(float real, float imaginary)
        this.real = real;
        this.imaginary = imaginary;

Complex addComplex(Complex c1, Complex c2)
    Complex temp = new Complex();
    temp.real = c1.real + c2.real;
    temp.imaginary = c1.imaginary + c2.imaginary;
    return temp;


using System;

namespace AddTwoComplexNumbers
    public struct Complex
        public float real, imaginary;

        public Complex(float real, float imaginary)
            this.real = real;
            this.imaginary = imaginary;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Complex c1 = new Complex(3, 2);
            Complex c2 = new Complex(1, 7);
            Complex sum = addComplex(c1, c2);

            Console.WriteLine("Sum is: {0} + {1}i", sum.real, sum.imaginary);

        static Complex addComplex(Complex c1, Complex c2)
            Complex temp = new Complex();
            temp.real = c1.real + c2.real;
            temp.imaginary = c1.imaginary + c2.imaginary;
            return temp;


Sum is: 4 + 9i


In this program, we first define a struct Complex that contains two float values representing the real and imaginary parts of a complex number. We then define a function addComplex that takes two Complex structs as arguments and returns a Complex struct that is the sum of the two input structs. In the Main method, we define two complex numbers, add them together using addComplex, and print the result to the console.


This program demonstrates how to use structs and functions to manipulate complex numbers in C#. This can be useful in a variety of applications that involve complex numbers, such as digital signal processing, Fourier analysis, and quantum computing.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to add two complex numbers using C# programming language by passing structure to a function. We have seen the syntax, example, output, explanation, and use of this program. By practicing this program, programmers can improve their understanding of complex numbers and struct data types in C#.

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