  1. c-sharp-comments

C# Comments


// Single-line Comment



// This is a single-line comment

  This is a


Comments are not executed by the compiler and are ignored during runtime. They are used to provide additional information and context to the code.


Comments in C# are used to explain the code and can be used to add annotations and other information about the code. There are two types of comments in C#: single-line comments and multi-line comments.

Single-line comments start with // and extend to the end of the line. Multi-line comments start with /* and end with */. Multi-line comments can span multiple lines.


Comments are used to add clarity and context to the code. They enable developers to explain their code so that other developers can understand it easily. Comments can also be used to disable code temporarily, for debugging purposes, or to add reminders to update the code in the future.

In C#, XML comments can also be used to add documentation to the code. XML comments start with /// and can be used to generate documentation that is useful for other developers.

Important Points

  • Comments are used to explain the code and add additional context to the code.
  • Single-line comments start with //, multi-line comments start with /* and end with */.
  • Comments are not executed by the compiler and are ignored during runtime.
  • XML comments can be used to generate documentation for the code.


Comments are an important part of writing maintainable and readable code. They help to explain the code, add information and context, and provide reminders for future updates. Single-line and multi-line comments are available in C#, and XML comments can be used to generate documentation for the code.

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