  1. angulararchitecture

Angular Architecture

Angular architecture is divided into various building blocks, which helps in building scalable, maintainable, and robust web applications. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

Components of Angular Architecture

1. Modules

Modules are used to organize the codebase into different functional units. These functional units could be reusable and can be useful in other parts of the application. Modules have a collection of functionality, such as components, services, directives, etc.

2. Components

Components are the UI building blocks in Angular, which have logic, template, and styling. It is used to define the UI structure and handle user interactions from that UI.

3. Templates

Templates are used to define the view of your component. It is an HTML file that can contain dynamic data, directives, pipes, and expressions. Templates are the user-facing part of an Angular application that the user can see and interact with.

4. Services

Services are used to add functionality that can be shared across your application. Services are a reusable set of functionality that can be injected into any component. It is a singleton instance shared among the various components and modules in your application.

5. Directives

Directives are a way to add behavior or style to your HTML elements. Angular has two types of directives: structural and attribute. Structural directives add or remove elements from the DOM based on a condition, while attribute directives modify the behavior or appearance of an element.

6. Pipes

Pipes are used for formatting data before it is displayed to the user. Pipes can transform data, such as turning a timestamp into a human-readable format or sorting an array of items.

7. Dependency Injection

Angular leverages a hierarchical dependency injection tree to provide services to components and other services. The hierarchical structure enables the use of a single instance of a service across the application, and enables fine-grained control over the life cycle of a service.

Important Points

  • Angular architecture is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.
  • Modules, components, services, directives, pipes, and templates are the different building blocks in Angular.
  • Each building block has a specific role in the Angular application architecture.
  • Dependency Injection is used for providing services to components and other services.


Angular Architecture provides a robust and scalable way to organize the code for building large applications. The architecture is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, and the different building blocks, such as Components, Services, Modules, Directives, Pipes, Templates, etc., have specific roles in building the Angular application. Understanding the architecture and its different building blocks is essential for building efficient and maintainable Angular applications.

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