  1. angular-bootstrap-alerts

Angular Bootstrap Alerts

Angular Bootstrap alerts are a convenient way to display important and timely information to users. It can be used to notify users about successful operations, errors, warnings, or information requests. In Angular, we can use the ng-bootstrap package to create alerts with the Bootstrap styles.


<ngb-alert [dismissible]="true|false" [type]="success|info|warning|danger" (close)="onClose()">
  Alert content here


<ngb-alert [dismissible]="true" [type]="'success'" (close)="onClose()">
  The operation was successful!


The above example will produce a green success alert box, with a close button, visually appearing as:

Success Alert

Clicking on the close button will dismiss the alert.


The ngb-alert component is part of the ng-bootstrap package that provides Angular directives and components for Bootstrap. It accepts several parameters, such as:

  • dismissible: a Boolean value that indicates whether the alert can be dismissed by the user or not.
  • type: a string value that determines the alert type - success, info, warning, or danger.
  • (close): a function that is executed when the alert is closed.


Angular Bootstrap alerts are useful for displaying any kind of important information, such as:

  • Success messages after a form submission
  • Error messages when an operation fails
  • Warnings when user input is invalid
  • Informational messages for users

Important Points

  • Use the ngb-alert component to create alerts in Angular with the Bootstrap styles.
  • Customize the alert behavior and appearance by adjusting the parameters.
  • Use the alerts appropriately, such as confirming the success of a user action, providing feedback on an issue, or displaying an important message.
  • Make sure that the alerts are unobtrusive and don't interfere with the user experience.


Angular Bootstrap alerts provide a convenient way to display important information to users. They can be customized for different use cases and are a great addition to any Angular application. With the ng-bootstrap package, it's easy to create Bootstrap-styled alerts that fit seamlessly into the application's design.

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