  1. angular-feature-modules

Angular Feature Modules


Angular is a modular framework, enabling developers to create small, reusable, and self-contained components that can be easily assembled into larger applications. A feature module helps to organize and manage the various parts of an Angular application that focuses on a specific feature.


To create a feature module with Angular, use the following syntax:

ng generate module feature-name


ng generate module dashboard


The above command will create a feature module named dashboard with the following files:

create src/app/dashboard/dashboard.module.ts (191 bytes)


A feature module consolidates the components, directives, pipes, and services that are required for a specific feature of an application. A feature module includes some of the following:

  • Components that represent the views
  • Directives that bind user input to properties and events
  • Pipes that transform data for display
  • Services that provide specialized functionality

A feature module consists of a module file that defines the module and any associated components, directives, and services.


Using feature modules, developers can organize their codebase into logical and self-contained units that can be easily combined with other modules to create an entire application. Feature modules are generally used to create modular applications, which are more maintainable and scalable.

Important Points

  • Angular applications are typically composed of one or more feature modules and a single root module.
  • Feature modules enable developers to create small, self-contained, and reusable components that can be easily assembled into larger applications.
  • Feature modules can be lazy-loaded, which improves the performance of an application by reducing the initial loading time.
  • Each feature module is responsible for managing its own dependencies and providers.


Angular feature modules provide a way to organize and manage the various parts of an Angular application that focuses on a specific feature. By creating small, reusable, and self-contained components, feature modules enable developers to create scalable and modular applications that are easy to maintain and develop.

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