  1. angular-dependency-injection

Angular Dependency Injection


Dependency Injection(DI) is an oft-used design pattern in software development where an object's dependencies are supplied by an external framework. DI, when implemented effectively, can significantly reduce coupling between software components and make the unit testing of software systems much easier. It is a feature that is used extensively in Angular development.

In Angular, you can consider a component as a class with a template that is used to create a user interface and a set of dependencies used to complete the class's functionality. The dependencies of an Angular component are declared in its constructor. The Angular framework performs dependency injection by passing the dependencies as constructor arguments when creating an instance of the component.


For example, the following code defines the ExampleComponent class and includes an injection of the HttpClient service:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

    selector: 'app-example',
    template: 'Hello, {{name}}})
export class ExampleComponent {
    name = "";

    constructor(http: HttpClient) {
        http.get('/api/examplesservice/data').subscribe(result => {

Here, we import the HttpClient service and inject it into the class by declaring it as a parameter of the constructor. Angular manages the creation of the HttpClient instance and passes it to the constructor when it is called.


The following code example demonstrates how to use dependency injection in Angular to create a simple logging service:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class LoggingService {
    log(message: string) {

Here, the @Injectable() decorator is used to indicate that Angular should use this class for dependency injection. The LoggingService class has a single method, log() that writes a message to the console.


The @Injectable() decorator is used to mark a class as an injectable service in Angular. This makes it easier to manage dependencies and promote code reuse in Angular applications.

To use a service via Dependency Injection, you need to first inject it into the class that needs it. The constructor of the class is where the injection takes place. When a new instance of the class is created, Angular creates and passes in all the required dependencies as constructor arguments.


Dependency Injection is a critical part of building modular and testable applications in Angular. By using DI, we can create highly decoupled and testable components and services that can be easily replaced or modified without affecting the rest of the application.

In addition to being able to manage dependencies, DI also allows Angular to provide services with a single instance across an entire application. This is beneficial because it ensures that data is consistent and shared across all components, which in turn leads to improved performance and easier debugging.

Important Points

  • Dependency Injection is a popular design pattern in software development, which is widely used in Angular development.
  • In Angular, we can use the @Injectable() decorator to indicate that a class is an injectable service or component.
  • Angular provides a dependency injection framework that can be used to manage all the dependencies required by an application.
  • Through Dependency Injection, we create highly decoupled and testable components and services that can be easily replaced or modified without affecting the rest of the application.
  • DI also allows for shared instances of services across multiple components, which in turn provides better performance and easier debugging.


Dependency Injection is an essential aspect of building scalable and testable applications in Angular. It enables us to write code that is less coupled and more modular than traditional approaches, and it makes our applications easier to maintain and update. By using DI, we can reduce the complexity of our code and focus on building high-quality features for our users.

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