  1. xamarin-secure-storage

Xamarin Secure Storage

Secure storage is an essential concern when it comes to storing sensitive data within a mobile application. Xamarin provides developers with a built-in secure storage mechanism that allows them to store sensitive data such as passwords, authentication tokens, and other user credentials in a safe and encrypted way.


The Xamarin.Essentials namespace provides the SecureStorage class for secure storage. Here is the syntax for setting and getting values from the secure storage:

// Setting the value
await SecureStorage.SetAsync(key, value);

// Getting the value
var value = await SecureStorage.GetAsync(key);


Here is an example of how to set and retrieve a value from secure storage:

// Setting the value
await SecureStorage.SetAsync("auth_token", "my-secure-auth-token");

// Getting the value
var authToken = await SecureStorage.GetAsync("auth_token");


In this example, the value "my-secure-auth-token" is stored in secure storage under the key "auth_token". The value can then be retrieved by specifying the key.


The SecureStorage class implements a cross-platform solution for storing sensitive data, using platform-specific APIs to store and retrieve the data in a secure way. The stored data is encrypted and can only be accessed by the application that created it.

In the example above, the SetAsync method is used to store the value "my-secure-auth-token" in the secure storage with the key "auth_token". The GetAsync method is used to retrieve the value by specifying the key.


Secure storage is particularly useful when storing sensitive data that needs to be accessed across multiple sessions, such as authentication tokens or passwords. Any data stored in secure storage is automatically encrypted, protecting the data from unauthorized access.

To use secure storage in your Xamarin application, make sure to add a reference to the Xamarin.Essentials package in your project.

Important Points

  • Any data stored in secure storage is automatically encrypted and can only be accessed by the application that created it.
  • The SecureStorage class can be used to set and retrieve values from secure storage.
  • Xamarin provides built-in support for secure storage through the Xamarin.Essentials package.


Secure storage is an essential concern when it comes to storing sensitive data in a mobile application. Xamarin provides a built-in solution for secure storage that allows developers to store and retrieve sensitive data in a safe and encrypted way. By using the SecureStorage class from the Xamarin.Essentials namespace, developers can ensure that any sensitive data stored within their application is protected from unauthorized access.

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