  1. xamarin-oauth-and-identity-providers

Xamarin OAuth and Identity Providers


OAuth is an open standard protocol for authorization, which provides a secure and easy way for users to log in to third-party applications without sharing their credentials. Xamarin provides native libraries for implementing OAuth authentication with different identity providers, including Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

In this article, we will discuss how to implement OAuth authentication with Xamarin using the IdentityModel.OidcClient library.


To use the IdentityModel.OidcClient library in your project, you need to download and install it from NuGet.

The following code snippets demonstrate how to implement OAuth authentication with IdentityModel.OidcClient:

var options = new OidcClientOptions
    Authority = "https://demo.identityserver.io",
    ClientId = "native.code",
    Scope = "openid profile email api",
    RedirectUri = "io.identityserver.demo://callback",
    ResponseMode = OidcClientOptions.AuthorizeResponseMode.Redirect,
    Flow = OidcClientOptions.AuthenticationFlow.AuthorizationCode,
    Browser = new SystemBrowser()

var oidcClient = new OidcClient(options);
var result = await oidcClient.LoginAsync();

This code snippet creates a new OidcClientOptions object, sets the necessary configuration parameters for connecting to the desired identity provider, and creates a new OidcClient object to authenticate the user.


Here's an example of how to implement OAuth authentication with Google Sign-In using Xamarin and IdentityModel.OidcClient:

var options = new OidcClientOptions
    Authority = "https://accounts.google.com",
    ClientId = "your-client-id-goes-here",
    Scope = "openid profile email",
    RedirectUri = "com.googleusercontent.apps.your-client-id-goes-here:/oauth2redirect",
    ResponseMode = OidcClientOptions.AuthorizeResponseMode.Redirect,
    Flow = OidcClientOptions.AuthenticationFlow.AuthorizationCode,
    Browser = new SystemBrowser()

var oidcClient = new OidcClient(options);
var result = await oidcClient.LoginAsync();

This code snippet sets the Authority to "https://accounts.google.com", which is the URL for Google Sign-In, and sets ClientId to the client ID for your Google Cloud Console project. The RedirectUri must also be set to the corresponding value for your project.


Once the user has successfully authenticated with the identity provider, the LoginAsync method will return an OidcClientResult object, which contains the user's identity information, including AccessToken, RefreshToken, IdentityToken, ExpiresIn, and UserInfo.


OAuth authentication works by redirecting the user to the identity provider's website, where they will be prompted to enter their login credentials. Upon successful authentication, the identity provider will return an authorization code or access token to the client application, which can be used to access the user's information.

IdentityModel.OidcClient is a library that simplifies the process of implementing OAuth authentication by providing a high-level API for connecting to different identity providers.


Authentication with OAuth and identity providers is commonly used in mobile applications and websites that require secure user authentication and authorization. OAuth authentication allows users to log in to your application without sharing their credentials with your app, providing a more secure and user-friendly experience.

Important Points

  • OAuth and identity provider authentication should only be used for protected resources that require user authentication.

  • It's essential to follow best practices for securely storing access tokens and preventing token theft or misuse.


OAuth authentication with Xamarin and IdentityModel.OidcClient can be a powerful tool for adding secure and user-friendly authentication to your mobile applications and websites. By following best practices and using secure storage methods for access tokens, you can ensure that your users' credentials remain protected and their experience is seamless and user-friendly.

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