  1. xamarin-android-architecture

Xamarin Android Architecture

Xamarin is a cross-platform mobile development framework that allows developers to create native apps for Android, iOS, and Windows using C# and .NET. In this article, we will discuss the architecture of Xamarin.Android applications.


Xamarin.Android provides developers with a modern, flexible, and powerful platform for creating native Android apps using C# and .NET. Xamarin.Android architecture includes the following components:

  • Android Environment: Xamarin.Android supports all of the features available in the Android SDK and follows the Android application lifecycle to provide full access to the native Android APIs.

  • Class Libraries: Developers can use the Xamarin.Android class libraries to access the Android UI toolkit, platform-specific APIs, and other .NET APIs.

  • Mono Runtime: Xamarin.Android apps use the Mono runtime, which is an open-source implementation of the .NET runtime environment. Mono provides a set of compilers for C# and other .NET languages and includes a just-in-time (JIT) compiler and a garbage collector.

  • JNI and Java Bindings: Xamarin.Android uses a technology called Java Native Interface (JNI) to allow C# code to call Java libraries. Xamarin.Android also provides a binding system that automatically generates C# wrappers for Java libraries. This binding system simplifies the task of integrating Java libraries into a Xamarin.Android app.

Important Points

  • Xamarin.Android provides a complete mobile development environment for building native Android apps using C# and .NET.

  • Xamarin.Android includes a set of class libraries, a Mono runtime, and a JNI and Java bindings system.

  • Xamarin.Android applications can access the Android UI toolkit and platform-specific APIs.

  • Xamarin.Android offers the advantage of code sharing across multiple platforms, such as Android, iOS and Windows.


Xamarin.Android architecture includes several components that enable developers to create powerful native Android apps using C# and .NET. Xamarin.Android apps can access the Android UI toolkit, platform-specific APIs, and other .NET APIs. Xamarin.Android offers the benefit of code sharing across multiple platforms and an active community to support developers’ needs.

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