  1. vbnet-queue

Working with Data Structures in VB.NET: Queue

Data structures are essential for storing and manipulating data in computer programs. In VB.NET, one of the commonly used data structures is a queue. In this page, we will discuss how to work with a queue in VB.NET.


A queue is a collection of elements that supports adding and removing elements in a particular order known as the "first-in, first-out" (FIFO) order. You can create a new queue instance using the Queue class in VB.NET.

Here is the syntax for creating a new queue instance:

Dim myQueue As New Queue()

Once you create a queue, you can add elements to it using the Enqueue method and remove elements from it using the Dequeue method.

Here is the syntax for adding and removing elements from a queue:

myQueue.Enqueue(item)   ' adds the specified item to the end of the queue
myQueue.Dequeue()       ' removes and returns the item at the beginning of the queue


Here's an example of adding and removing elements from a queue in VB.NET:

Dim myQueue As New Queue()

' add items to the queue

' remove the first item from the queue
Dim firstItem As String = myQueue.Dequeue()

Console.WriteLine("The first item in the queue is: " & firstItem)

' add another item to the queue

' remove and print out the remaining items in the queue
While myQueue.Count > 0
    Console.WriteLine("The next item in the queue is: " & myQueue.Dequeue())
End While


The output of the above code will be:

The first item in the queue is: apple
The next item in the queue is: banana
The next item in the queue is: cherry
The next item in the queue is: date


In the example above, we create a new queue instance using the Queue class and add some items to the queue using the Enqueue method. We then remove the first item from the queue using the Dequeue method and store it in a variable. We add another item to the queue using the Enqueue method and then remove and print out the remaining items in the queue using a loop.


Queues are useful in many scenarios, such as processing tasks in the order they were received, implementing a message queue, and more. You can use queues to store and manage data in a FIFO order.

Important Points

  • A queue is a collection of elements that supports adding and removing elements in a FIFO order.
  • You can create a new queue instance using the Queue class in VB.NET.
  • You can add items to a queue using the Enqueue method and remove items from a queue using the Dequeue method.


In this page, we discussed how to work with a queue in VB.NET. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of working with a queue. By using queues in VB.NET, you can manage data in a FIFO order and process tasks efficiently.

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