  1. vbnet-multithreading

Procedures and Functions in VB.NET Multithreading

VB.NET is a powerful programming language that supports multithreading, which allows you to create programs that can execute multiple processes simultaneously. In this page, we will discuss procedures and functions in VB.NET multithreading, including syntax, examples, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary.


In VB.NET, you can create procedures and functions for multithreading using the Sub and Function keywords, respectively. To execute the procedure or function on a separate thread, you need to use the Thread class.

Here is the syntax for creating procedures and functions in VB.NET multithreading:

' Procedure to execute on a separate thread
Private Sub MyProcedure()
    ' Code goes here
End Sub

' Function to execute on a separate thread
Private Function MyFunction() As Integer
    ' Code goes here
    Return result
End Function

' Create a thread
Dim myThread As New Thread(AddressOf MyProcedure)
Dim myThread2 As New Thread(AddressOf MyFunction)

' Start the thread

' Wait for the threads to complete


Here's an example of how to create and execute a procedure and function on separate threads:

Imports System.Threading

Public Class MyThreadClass

    Private Shared Sub MyProcedure()
        ' Perform some computations
        Console.WriteLine("Executing MyProcedure on thread: " +
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function MyFunction() As Integer
        ' Compute some value
        Dim result As Integer = 5 + 4
        Console.WriteLine("Executing MyFunction on thread: " +

        Return result
    End Function

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Create and start threads
        Dim thread1 As New Thread(AddressOf MyProcedure)
        Dim thread2 As New Thread(AddressOf MyFunction)

        ' Wait for threads to complete

    End Sub
End Class


Executing the above code produces the following output:

Executing MyProcedure on thread: 11
Executing MyFunction on thread: 12


In the above example, we define two procedures - MyProcedure and MyFunction. We also create two threads and start them using the Start method of the Thread class. We then wait for the threads to complete by calling the Join method on each thread.

The AddressOf keyword is used to obtain the memory address of the method to be executed. The Console.WriteLine method is used to write messages to the console to show which thread is executing the method.


Procedures and functions in VB.NET multithreading are useful for performing long-running or CPU-intensive tasks without blocking the main thread. This can help improve the performance and responsiveness of your application.

Important Points

  • Procedures are declared using the Sub keyword and functions are declared using the Function keyword.
  • Threads can be created using the Thread class.
  • Use the AddressOf keyword to specify the method to be executed on a separate thread.
  • Use the Start method to start the thread and the Join method to wait for the thread to complete.


In this page, we learned how to create and execute procedures and functions on separate threads in VB.NET. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of procedures and functions in VB.NET multithreading. By using multithreading in your VB.NET applications, you can increase performance and responsiveness.

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