  1. vbnet-dynamic-array

Working with Data Structures in VB.NET Dynamic Array

Data structures are an essential part of any programming language, and VB.NET offers several data structure types to work with. In this page, we will discuss how to use dynamic arrays in VB.NET.


A dynamic array in VB.NET is declared using the ReDim statement. You can resize the array as needed using the same statement with Preserve keyword. Here is the syntax for dynamic arrays in VB.NET:

Dim arrayName() As dataType
ReDim arrayName(size)
ReDim Preserve arrayName(newSize)


Here's an example of using dynamic arrays in VB.NET:

' Declare a dynamic array of integers
Dim numbers() As Integer

' Initialize the array with values
numbers = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

' Resize the array to add a new value
ReDim Preserve numbers(5)
numbers(5) = 5

' Loop through the array and print out its values
For Each number As Integer In numbers


The output of the program will be:



In the example above, we declare a dynamic array of integers named numbers. We initialize the array with values and then resize the array using the Preserve keyword to add a new value to the array. The For Each loop is used to iterate through the array and print out each value.


Dynamic arrays in VB.NET are useful when you need to create a data structure whose size may change during the execution of the program. You can easily add or remove values from the array by resizing it using the ReDim statement.

Important Points

  • A dynamic array in VB.NET is declared using the ReDim statement.
  • You can resize the array as needed using the same statement with Preserve keyword.
  • When using the Preserve keyword, the existing values in the array are preserved, and new values are added to the end of the array.


In this page, we discussed how to use dynamic arrays in VB.NET. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of dynamic arrays. By using dynamic arrays in VB.NET, you can create data structures that can be resized during program execution, making them more flexible and useful in a variety of applications.

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