  1. sql-statements

SQL Syntax Statements


Structured Query Language (SQL) is a programming language used to manage, manipulate, and query relational databases. SQL has a specific syntax, or set of rules, that must be followed to create and operate on a database. This page provides a list of commonly used SQL syntax statements, along with examples and explanations.


The syntax of SQL statements varies depending on the specific statement being used. However, most SQL statements follow a general format:

statement_name argument_1 argument_2 ... argument_n

Here, statement_name is the name of the SQL statement being used, and argument_1 through argument_n are the arguments or parameters that are passed to the statement.


Let's take a look at an example of an SQL statement - the SELECT statement:

SELECT column_name_1, column_name_2, column_name_3 
FROM table_name 
WHERE condition_1 AND condition_2;

In this example, SELECT is the statement name, and the arguments are column_name_1, column_name_2, and column_name_3. The statement is selecting data from the table named table_name, and filtering the results based on the conditions condition_1 and condition_2.


The output of an SQL statement varies depending on the statement and the data being queried. In general, SQL statements return one or more sets of data that match the criteria specified in the statement.


Let's break down the example SELECT statement into its individual parts:

  • SELECT: This is the statement name, and it tells SQL that we want to select data from a table.
  • column_name_1, column_name_2, column_name_3: These are the arguments, and they specify which columns we want to select data from.
  • FROM table_name: This specifies the table that we want to select data from.
  • WHERE condition_1 AND condition_2: This is a filter on the data, and it specifies that we only want to see data that meets both condition_1 and condition_2.


SQL syntax statements are used to manage, manipulate, and query data in relational databases. They are used in a variety of applications, including web development, data analysis, and business intelligence.

Important Points

  • SQL syntax statements vary depending on the specific statement being used.
  • SQL statements have a general format of statement_name argument_1 argument_2 ... argument_n.
  • SQL statements return sets of data that match the criteria specified in the statement.


SQL syntax statements are a set of rules that must be followed to create and operate on a relational database. These statements can be used to manage, manipulate, and query data in a variety of applications. It is important to understand the syntax and structure of SQL statements in order to effectively work with databases.

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