  1. sql-preventing-sqlinjection

Preventing SQL Injection


The following syntax can be used to prevent SQL injection in your queries:

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username AND password = :password");

    ':username' => $username,
    ':password' => $password,


Consider the following example of a vulnerable query:

$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];

$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'";

$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);

This query is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. An attacker could pass a malicious input for either $username or $password, which would affect the query and allow unauthorized access to the database.

Here's an example of a secure query:

$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username AND password = :password");

    ':username' => $username,
    ':password' => $password,

$result = $stmt->fetch();


The output of a secure query will be the same as that of a vulnerable query, but with the added security of preventing SQL injection attacks.


SQL injection is a common technique used by attackers to exploit vulnerabilities in web applications. It involves inserting malicious SQL code into a query, which can then be executed by the database. This can lead to unauthorized access, data theft, and other security issues.

Preventing SQL injection involves using prepared statements, which allow you to separate the SQL code from the user input. This means that the input is treated as a parameter, rather than as part of the query itself. This prevents attackers from being able to modify the query and execute malicious code.


Preventing SQL injection is important for any web application that interacts with a database. This includes login forms, search functions, and other user input fields. By using prepared statements, you can prevent attackers from exploiting these vulnerabilities and gaining unauthorized access to your database.

Important Points

  • Always use prepared statements when interacting with a database.
  • Never include user input directly in a SQL query.
  • Use parameterized queries to separate user input from the SQL code.
  • Validate user input to prevent other types of attacks.


Preventing SQL injection is essential for securing web applications that interact with a database. By using prepared statements and separating user input from SQL code, you can prevent attackers from executing malicious code and gaining unauthorized access to your database. Remember to always validate user input and use parameterized queries for maximum security.

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