  1. sql-introduction

SQL Tutorial Introduction

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a database programming language used for the management and manipulation of relational database systems. SQL is ubiquitous and used by developers, data analysts, and data scientists worldwide.


SQL syntax consists of a combination of keywords, expressions, and clauses. Each SQL statement begins with a keyword and may include additional clauses and expressions as required.


The following SQL query retrieves all rows from a table named "customers":

SELECT * FROM customers;


The output of the above SQL query would be all of the rows contained within the "customers" table.


The SQL query begins with the "SELECT" keyword, which specifies that we want to retrieve data from a table. The "*" wildcard character specifies that we want to retrieve all columns from the table. Finally, the "FROM" keyword specifies which table we want to retrieve the data from.


SQL allows users to perform a wide range of actions on a database system, including retrieving data, manipulating data, and managing the structure of the database. Some common SQL use-cases include:

  • Retrieving data from a database using the SELECT statement
  • Inserting new data into a database using the INSERT statement
  • Updating existing data in a database using the UPDATE statement
  • Deleting data from a database using the DELETE statement

Important Points

  • SQL is a declarative programming language, meaning users specify what they want to do with the data instead of how.
  • SQL is used to interact with relational database management systems (RDBMS) like MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.
  • SQL syntax is similar across all RDBMS, but with some minor variations.
  • SQL statements can be executed within a program or from the command-line interface.


SQL is a powerful tool for database management and manipulation. It allows users to retrieve, manipulate, and manage data stored in a relational database system. By understanding SQL syntax, users can perform complex queries and gain insights into their data.

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