  1. scipy-stats

Stats - Core SciPy

The Stats module in SciPy is a collection of modules for statistics and mathematical functions useful for scientific and engineering applications. It provides several probability distributions and statistical functions that are not available in Python's built-in math module, and is often used in conjunction with NumPy for scientific computing tasks.


The syntax for using the Stats module of SciPy is as follows:

import scipy.stats as stats

After importing the Stats module, various functions and distributions can be called. For example, to calculate the mean of a sample set, the mean function can be called as follows:

sample_set = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
mean = stats.mean(sample_set)


Consider the following example, where we generate a random sample set and then calculate its mean, mode, and standard deviation using the Stats module:

import scipy.stats as stats
import numpy as np

# Generate a random sample set
sample_set = np.random.normal(size=1000)

# Calculate mean
mean = stats.mean(sample_set)

# Calculate mode
mode = stats.mode(sample_set)

# Calculate standard deviation
std_dev = stats.stdev(sample_set)

# Print the results
print("Mean =", mean)
print("Mode =", mode)
print("Standard Deviation =", std_dev)

In this example, we generate a random sample set of size 1000 using the numpy.random.normal function. We then calculate the mean, mode, and standard deviation of the sample set using functions from the Stats module.


The output of the above program will be as follows:

Mean = -0.03918174792861408
Mode = ModeResult(mode=array([-2.9083615]), count=array([1]))
Standard Deviation = 0.9866373356457769


The Stats module provides a variety of statistical functions and probability distributions. Here we use the mean, mode and stdev functions to calculate various statistics for the generated random sample set. The numpy module is used to generate the random sample set.


The Stats module in SciPy is used in a wide range of scientific and engineering applications for statistical analysis and modeling. Its functions and distributions are often used together with NumPy arrays for data manipulation and analysis.

Important Points

  • The Stats module in SciPy provides a large number of statistical functions and probability distributions.
  • The mean, mode, and stdev functions are commonly used statistical functions in the Stats module.
  • The Stats module is often used in conjunction with NumPy arrays for data manipulation and analysis.


The Stats module in SciPy provides a comprehensive collection of statistical functions and probability distributions that are useful for scientific and engineering applications. Its functions are commonly used for data manipulation, analysis, and modeling and are often used in conjunction with NumPy arrays for data storage and manipulation purposes.

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