  1. scipy-constant

Constant - Core SciPy

The Constant function in SciPy is used to create arrays and matrices containing a constant value. It is part of the scipy.constants module, and provides a way for developers to create constant values that can be used in scientific calculations.


The basic syntax for using the Constant function is as follows:

import scipy.constants as const

Here, the const module is imported, and the desired constant value is accessed by calling its name.


Consider the following example, where the speed of light in meters per second is calculated using the Constant function:

import scipy.constants as const

speed_of_light = const.c

print("Speed of light: ", speed_of_light, "m/s")

In this example, the Constant function is used to access the speed of light constant, which is denoted by const.c. This value is then printed to the console.


When the above program is executed, it displays the speed of light constant in meters per second:

Speed of light:  299792458.0 m/s


The Constant function provides a way to access physical constants that are commonly used in scientific calculations. These constants are defined in the scipy.constants module, and can be accessed by calling their name.

In the example above, the speed of light constant is accessed using const.c, which is the constant's name in the scipy.constants module. The value of this constant is then printed to the console.


The Constant function in SciPy is used to create numerical values that are predefined and widely used in scientific calculations. The scipy.constants module contains a large number of physical constants that can be used in various scientific computations.

Important Points

  • The scipy.constants module contains a large number of physical constants.
  • Constants can be accessed using the Constant function, followed by the desired constant's name.
  • The Constant function returns an array or matrix containing the constant's value.


The Constant function in SciPy is used to create arrays and matrices containing a constant value. It provides a convenient way for developers to access physical constants that are commonly used in scientific calculations. By importing the scipy.constants module and calling the desired constant's name, developers can create and use numerical values that are widely used in science and engineering.

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