  1. scipy-installing

Installing - Setting Up SciPy

SciPy is a Python-based ecosystem that includes a wide range of software libraries for mathematics, science, and engineering. The vast majority of these libraries require NumPy and SciPy packages to be installed in Python.


To install SciPy using pip, run the following command in your terminal:

pip install scipy

Or you can install it using conda:

conda install scipy


To check if SciPy is installed properly, you can check its version by using the following code:

import scipy

# Print the version number of SciPy


If SciPy is installed properly, the above example will print the version number of SciPy in the console.


The SciPy package can be installed using pip or conda. pip is a package manager for Python packages and is included in Python installations 3.4 and above. conda is another package manager that is specifically designed for data science and scientific computing. It is recommended to use conda to install SciPy if you already have the Anaconda distribution installed.


SciPy is widely used in scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning. It provides a vast number of algorithms and functions for numerical optimization, integration, interpolation, signal processing, linear algebra, statistics, and more. To start using SciPy, it needs to be installed properly in your Python environment.

Important Points

  • SciPy is a Python-based ecosystem for scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning.
  • NumPy and SciPy packages are required to be installed before you can use most of the libraries in the SciPy ecosystem.
  • SciPy can be installed using pip or conda package managers.


In this tutorial, we learned how to install SciPy in Python using pip or conda. We also learned how to check the version of SciPy and some important points regarding its installation. SciPy provides a large number of mathematical functions and scientific computing tools that are widely used in various domains and industries.

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