  1. reactjs-reactjsvs-reactnative

ReactJS vs ReactNative


ReactJS and ReactNative are two frameworks that are both based on React, which is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook. ReactJS is specifically designed for building web UIs while ReactNative is designed for building mobile apps.


Both ReactJS and ReactNative use JSX syntax for writing components, which is basically a blend of HTML and JavaScript.


import React, { Component } from 'react';

class MyComponent extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <h1>Hello World!</h1>


The above example will output a simple HTML page with "Hello World!" displayed as the heading.


ReactJS and ReactNative both operate on a component-based architecture where each component is an independent piece of code that can be reused across multiple pages or screens.

In ReactJS, components are rendered as HTML elements on a web page, while in ReactNative, components are rendered as native UI elements on a mobile device.


ReactJS is commonly used for building web applications, including single-page applications, e-commerce websites, and interactive dashboards.

ReactNative, on the other hand, is used for building mobile applications that can be run on both Android and iOS platforms.

Important Points

  • ReactJS is used for web development while ReactNative is used for mobile app development.
  • Both frameworks use JSX syntax for writing components.
  • ReactJS components are rendered as HTML elements while ReactNative components are rendered as native UI elements on mobile devices.
  • ReactJS and ReactNative are based on the same core technology and share many similarities in their syntax and architecture.


In summary, ReactJS and ReactNative are both powerful frameworks that allow developers to build high-quality user interfaces for different platforms. While they share many similarities in terms of syntax and architecture, they are designed for different use cases and require different development approaches.

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