  1. reactjs-button-in-react

ReactJs Button


To create a button in React, the syntax is as follows:

<button>Button Text</button>


To create a button with the text "Click Me", the syntax would be:

<button>Click Me</button>


The output will be a clickable button with the text "Click Me" on the page.


A button is a basic UI component that allows the user to interact with the website or application. The button is created using the <button> element in HTML. In React, the <button> element behaves similarly, and can be used to handle user interactions, such as submitting a form or navigating to a different page.


Buttons can be used in many different ways. Some common uses for buttons include:

  • Submitting a form
  • Navigating to a different page
  • Performing an action (such as deleting an item or saving changes)
  • Triggering a modal or other UI element

Important Points

When using buttons in React, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • Be sure to add an onClick event handler to handle interactions with the button.
  • Use semantic class names for buttons to make them more accessible to people who use screen readers.
  • Button text should be clear and concise, and indicate the action that will be taken when the button is clicked.


Buttons are a fundamental UI element in web development, and React provides an easy way to create and manage buttons in your application. By following best practices for button design and accessibility, you can ensure a great user experience for your site or application.

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