  1. reactjs-props

ReactJS Props:


<MyComponent prop1="value1" prop2="value2" />

Where prop1 and prop2 are the names of the props passed to the component MyComponent.


import React from 'react';

const MyComponent = (props) => {
  return (

const App = () => {
  return (
    <MyComponent title="Welcome to React Props!" description="This is a demo of React Props." />

export default App;


This will output:

Welcome to React Props!
This is a demo of React Props.


Props (short for properties) are parameters passed to a React component. They allow you to customize the behavior of the component and provide data to be rendered.

In the example above, we have created a MyComponent component which receives two props - title and description. The component then uses these props to render a heading and a paragraph.

In the App component, we have passed values for the title and description props. These values are then passed to the MyComponent component as props.


Props are used to pass data and configuration options to React components. They allow you to customize the behavior of the component and provide data to be rendered.

Important Points:

  • Props are read-only, meaning that components cannot modify their own props.
  • Props can only be passed from parent components to child components.
  • Props should be used to pass data and configuration options to components, while component state should be used for component-specific state.


  • Props are parameters passed to a React component.
  • They are read-only and can only be passed from parent components to child components.
  • Props are used to customize the behavior of the component and provide data to be rendered.
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