  1. net-standard-versioning-and-compatibility

Versioning and Compatibility - (Best Practices for .NET Standard)

.NET Standard is a set of APIs that provide a common base for .NET libraries and applications. When developing applications or libraries using .NET Standard, it's important to consider versioning and compatibility to ensure that your code can work with different versions of .NET Standard and other libraries.

In this tutorial, we'll discuss best practices for versioning and compatibility in .NET Standard.


There is not a specific syntax for versioning and compatibility in .NET Standard. Rather, it involves ensuring that your code is written in a way that is compatible with different versions of .NET Standard and other libraries.


Let's take a look at an example of how versioning and compatibility can be ensured in .NET Standard. Suppose we have a library that targets .NET Standard 2.0, and we want to ensure that it can work with other libraries that use older versions of .NET Standard. We can do this by using conditional compilation and checking for API compatibility.

    // code that requires .NET Standard 2.0
    // code that is compatible with older versions of .NET Standard

In this example, we use a preprocessor directive to conditionally compile code based on the version of .NET Standard. We can include a block of code that is only compiled if the library is being built for .NET Standard 2.0, and we can also include a block of code that is compatible with older versions of .NET Standard.


When developing applications or libraries using .NET Standard, it's important to consider versioning and compatibility. This involves ensuring that your code is written in a way that is compatible with different versions of .NET Standard and other libraries. You can do this by using conditional compilation, checking for API compatibility, and testing your code against different versions of .NET Standard and other libraries.


The best practices for versioning and compatibility in .NET Standard include:

  • Use conditional compilation to ensure that your code is only compiled for the appropriate version of .NET Standard.
  • Check for API compatibility when using third-party libraries or targeting multiple versions of .NET Standard.
  • Test your code against different versions of .NET Standard and other libraries to ensure compatibility.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when working with .NET Standard:

  • Upgrading to a newer version of .NET Standard may break compatibility with older versions or third-party libraries, so be sure to test your code thoroughly.
  • Some libraries may not be compatible with all versions of .NET Standard, so be sure to check for compatibility before using them.
  • When developing libraries, consider targeting a lower version of .NET Standard to ensure wider compatibility.


In this tutorial, we discussed best practices for versioning and compatibility in .NET Standard. We covered the syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points of versioning and compatibility in .NET Standard. By implementing these best practices, you can ensure that your code is compatible with different versions of .NET Standard and other libraries, and can provide a better experience for your users.

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