  1. net-standard-targeting-multiple-platforms

Targeting Multiple Platforms - (.NET Standard Libraries)

When developing software that targets multiple platforms, it can be challenging to write code that works on all of them. .NET Standard libraries help solve this problem by providing a platform-agnostic framework that can be used to write code that works on multiple platforms. In this tutorial, we'll discuss what .NET Standard libraries are and how to use them.


Creating a .NET Standard library is similar to creating any other .NET library. When creating a new project in Visual Studio, you can choose the .NET Standard library template.


Here's an example of a .NET Standard library that provides a simple Calculator class with two methods, Add and Subtract:

public class Calculator
    public int Add(int a, int b)
        return a + b;

    public int Subtract(int a, int b)
        return a - b;

This code can be compiled into a .NET Standard library that can be used in applications targeting different platforms, such as desktop, web, and mobile.


.NET Standard libraries provide a common framework for creating libraries that can be used on multiple platforms. When you write code that targets .NET Standard, you're guaranteed that it will work on any platform that implements the .NET Standard specification. This makes it easier to create libraries that can be used in a variety of applications.


.NET Standard libraries are particularly useful when developing software for multiple platforms, such as desktop, web, and mobile. Rather than having to write platform-specific code, you can write code that targets .NET Standard and be confident that it will work on all of them.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when using .NET Standard libraries:

  • .NET Standard libraries provide a common framework for creating libraries that can be used on multiple platforms.
  • When creating a .NET Standard library, you should target the lowest version that meets your needs to ensure compatibility with the most platforms.
  • Not all .NET APIs are available in .NET Standard, so you may need to use platform-specific APIs or implement your own functionality in some cases.


In this tutorial, we discussed .NET Standard libraries, which provide a platform-agnostic framework for creating libraries that can be used on multiple platforms. We covered the syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points of .NET Standard libraries. With this knowledge, you can create libraries that work on a variety of platforms using a single codebase.

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