  1. net-standard-cross-platform-development

Cross-Platform Development - (.NET Standard in ASP.NET Core)

In today's world, cross-platform development is becoming more and more important. One of the challenges of cross-platform development is dealing with differences in programming languages, libraries, and operating systems. Microsoft's .NET Standard provides a solution to this problem. In this tutorial, we'll discuss .NET Standard and how it can be used in ASP.NET Core.


The .NET Standard contains a set of APIs that can be used across different .NET platforms, such as .NET Core, .NET Framework, and Xamarin. The syntax for using .NET Standard in ASP.NET Core is as follows:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Add framework services.

    // Add .NET Standard library


To illustrate the use of .NET Standard in ASP.NET Core, let's consider a simple example. Suppose we have a .NET Standard library that contains a class, MyService, with a method, GetData():

namespace MyStandardLibrary
    public class MyService
        public string GetData()
            return "Hello, world!";

Then we can use this library in an ASP.NET Core project as follows:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using MyStandardLibrary;

namespace MyWebApplication.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        private readonly MyService _myService;

        public HomeController(MyService myService)
            _myService = myService;

        public IActionResult Index()
            var message = _myService.GetData();
            return View("Index", message);

In this example, we inject the MyService class into the HomeController using dependency injection. Then, we call the GetData() method on this class to get the data that we want to display in our view.


.NET Standard is a standard set of APIs that can be shared across different .NET platforms. By using .NET Standard in an ASP.NET Core project, you can reuse code across different platforms, which can save time and effort.


.NET Standard can be used to create cross-platform libraries that can be shared across different .NET platforms. By using .NET Standard in an ASP.NET Core project, you can share code between .NET Core, .NET Framework, and Xamarin, and make sure that your code is compatible across different platforms.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when using .NET Standard in ASP.NET Core:

  • .NET Standard offers a standard set of APIs that can be shared across different .NET platforms.
  • You can use .NET Standard to create cross-platform libraries that can be used across different .NET platforms, including ASP.NET Core.
  • By using .NET Standard, you can share code between different platforms and make sure that your code is compatible across different platforms.


In this tutorial, we discussed .NET Standard and how it can be used in ASP.NET Core. We covered the syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points of using .NET Standard in an ASP.NET Core project. With this knowledge, you can use .NET Standard to create cross-platform libraries that can be shared across different .NET platforms, including ASP.NET Core.

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