  1. mongo-db-upsert

Upsert - (Miscellaneous Topics)

Upsert, which stands for "update or insert," is a database operation that inserts a new document if it doesn't already exist or updates an existing document. In this page, we will discuss Upsert in the context of databases and how to use it.


The syntax of an upsert depends on the database system you are using. However, in most database systems, an upsert is performed using the merge statement, which is also known as the upsert statement.

In SQL, an upsert would look like this:

MERGE INTO table_name AS A
USING (SELECT @param1 AS col1, @param2 AS col2) AS B
ON A.primary_key = B.primary_key
        column_name_1 = col1,
        column_name_2 = col2
    INSERT (column_name_1, column_name_2)
    VALUES (col1, col2);


Here's an example of an Upsert query in MongoDB using C#:

var collection = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("inventory");

var filter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("item", "apple");

var update = Builders<BsonDocument>.Update
    .Set("price", 0.99)
    .Set("inStock", true);

var options = new UpdateOptions { IsUpsert = true };

var result = collection.UpdateOne(filter, update, options);


In the example above, we have a collection named "inventory" in MongoDB. We are looking for a document with the item name "apple." If the document is found, we are updating the price and stock status of that document. If the document is not found, we are inserting a new document with the item name "apple," price set to 0.99, and the in-stock status set to true.


Upsert is useful in scenarios where you need to insert a new document or update an existing document in the database based on a given condition. It provides a way to simplify database operations and reduce code complexity.

Important Points

  • Upsert operations can be complex and may require you to write multiple statements to achieve your desired result.
  • In some databases, there are performance considerations to keep in mind when using upserts. Make sure to test your queries and monitor database performance to make sure it meets your requirements.


In this page, we discussed Upsert in the context of databases. We covered the syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points to keep in mind when using Upsert. Upsert is a powerful operation that simplifies code and reduces complexity when working with databases.

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