  1. mongo-db-advantages-over-rdbms

Advantages of MongoDB over RDBMS

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that offers several advantages over traditional RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). In this page, we will discuss some of the key advantages of using MongoDB over RDBMS.

No Schema or Migration Required

In MongoDB, there is no need to create a schema or migrate data when adding new fields or changing the structure of your data. This makes it much easier to adapt to changes in your application without requiring complex migrations. Additionally, you can store data in any format without worrying about normalization.

High Performance and Scalability

MongoDB is highly scalable and designed to handle large amounts of data. It can distribute query load across multiple servers, providing higher performance and better availability compared to traditional RDBMS.

Agile Development

MongoDB is well-suited for Agile development methodologies because it supports rapid, iterative development. With its schema-less architecture, developers can add or modify fields on the fly, making it easy to adjust to changing requirements. Additionally, the document model can map directly to objects in code, reducing the need for mapping or ORM frameworks.

Rich Querying Capabilities

MongoDB offers a rich set of querying capabilities, including support for complex queries, aggregations, and geographic queries. Its flexible indexing capabilities allow for fast, efficient querying, even on large datasets.

Schema Flexibility

With MongoDB, you can store data in any format without needing to worry about data normalization. This means that you can store complex data structures, nested arrays, and other types of data easily. Additionally, you can add and remove fields on the fly, without the need to update your schema or create new table structures.


MongoDB can be used for a variety of purposes, including web applications, mobile applications, and analytical processing. It is well-suited for applications that require high performance, flexible schema, and scalability.

Important Points

  • MongoDB does not require a schema or migration when adding new fields or changing the structure of your data.
  • MongoDB is highly scalable and designed for handling large amounts of data.
  • MongoDB supports rapid, iterative development, making it well-suited for Agile methodologies.
  • MongoDB offers rich querying capabilities and flexible indexing.
  • MongoDB allows for schema flexibility, making it easy to store complex data structures.


In this page, we discussed some of the key advantages of using MongoDB over RDBMS. By offering schema flexibility, high performance, scalability, and rich querying capabilities, MongoDB is a popular choice for modern applications that require flexible and adaptive data storage. Whether you are building a web, mobile, or analytical application, MongoDB can help you build a robust and flexible data model that can easily adapt to changing needs.

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