  1. microservices-zuul-api-gateway

Zuul API Gateway

Zuul is an API Gateway that acts as a reverse proxy and is used to route and manage requests between a client and multiple microservices. It provides several features like routing, filtering, load balancing, and security.


The syntax for a Zuul API Gateway is as follows:

      path: /{application-name}/**
      serviceId: {application-name}


Consider a microservices architecture where you have two services, user-service and product-service, each running on its own port.

To route requests from a client to these services using Zuul, you can configure the following properties in your application.yml file:

      path: /user/**
      serviceId: user-service
      path: /product/**
      serviceId: product-service

This configuration will route requests with paths starting with /user/** to the user-service and requests with paths starting with /product/** to the product-service.


In the example above, we have defined two routes, user-service and product-service. These routes are mapped to their respective service names with the serviceId property. The path property defines the incoming path pattern that will be matched by Zuul to forward the request to the appropriate service.

Zuul also provides several filters for modifying requests and responses that pass through it. Some of these filters include:

  • Pre filters: These filters are used to modify the incoming requests before they are forwarded to the service.
  • Post filters: These filters are used to modify the outgoing responses before they are returned to the client.
  • Route filters: These filters are used to customize the routing of requests to the appropriate service.


Zuul is mainly used as an API gateway in microservices architecture to manage and route traffic between a client and multiple microservices.

Some common use cases of Zuul include:

  • Routing: Zuul can route requests to different services based on the incoming request path.
  • Filtering: Zuul can modify incoming requests and outgoing responses using its pre, post, and route filters.
  • Load balancing: Zuul can distribute incoming requests to multiple instances of the same service to balance the load.

Important Points

  • Zuul is a reverse proxy API Gateway that is used to route requests between a client and multiple microservices.
  • Zuul provides several filters for modifying requests and responses that pass through it.
  • Zuul can be used for routing, filtering, load balancing, and security in microservices architecture.


Zuul is an API Gateway that acts as a reverse proxy and is used to route and manage requests between a client and multiple microservices. It provides several features like routing, filtering, load balancing, and security. Zuul is mainly used in microservices architecture to manage and route traffic between multiple microservices. It provides a simple and flexible approach for routing and managing requests, as well as balancing the load and ensuring the security of the system.

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