  1. microservices-currency-conversion-and-currency-exchange-service

Currency Conversion and Currency Exchange Service

Currency Conversion and Currency Exchange Service is a microservice used for converting one currency to another based on the current exchange rate. This service provides an easy and convenient way for online businesses and financial institutions to provide real-time currency conversion services to their customers.


The syntax for the Currency Conversion and Currency Exchange Service is as follows:



Consider the following URL:


This URL is used for converting 100 US dollars to Indian rupees. The expected output is the equivalent amount in Indian rupees based on the current exchange rate between USD and INR.


The output for the above example would be:


The conversionMultiple gives the current exchange rate between USD and INR. The totalCalculatedAmount is the amount in Indian rupees equivalent to 100 US dollars based on the current exchange rate.


In the above example, we are passing the following parameters in the URL:

  • from: The currency code for the currency we want to convert from. In this case, it is USD.
  • to: The currency code for the currency we want to convert to. In this case, it is INR.
  • quantity: The amount we want to convert. In this case, it is 100.

The Currency Conversion and Currency Exchange Service calculates the equivalent amount based on the current exchange rate between USD and INR.


The Currency Conversion and Currency Exchange Service is used for converting one currency to another based on the current exchange rate. It is particularly useful for financial institutions and online businesses that deal with international transactions.

Important Points

  • The Currency Conversion and Currency Exchange Service uses the current exchange rate to calculate the equivalent amount.
  • The service provides an easy and convenient way to perform real-time currency conversion.
  • The service can be used in various industries, including e-commerce, banking, and travel.


Currency Conversion and Currency Exchange Service is a microservice that allows converting one currency to another based on the current exchange rate. The service provides an easy and convenient way for online businesses and financial institutions to provide real-time currency conversion services to their customers. The syntax for the service involves passing parameters in the URL. The service calculates the equivalent amount based on the current exchange rate between the two currencies.

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