  1. microservices-invoking-currency-exchange-microservice

Microservices: Invoking Currency Exchange Microservice


This tutorial demonstrates how to invoke a currency exchange microservice in a microservices architecture. Currency exchange services play a crucial role in distributed systems, allowing applications to fetch real-time exchange rates and perform currency conversions.

Invoking Currency Exchange Microservice


Before starting, ensure that you have:

  • A Java development environment
  • A running instance of the Currency Exchange microservice
  • An understanding of microservices architecture concepts


1. Create a New Spring Boot Project

Use Spring Initializr or your preferred method to create a new Spring Boot project for the application that will invoke the currency exchange microservice.

2. Implement a CurrencyConversionRequest Class

Create a class (CurrencyConversionRequest) to represent the data structure for currency conversion requests.

public class CurrencyConversionRequest {

    private String fromCurrency;
    private String toCurrency;
    private double amount;

    // Constructors, getters, and setters

3. Implement a CurrencyExchangeService

Create a service class (CurrencyExchangeService) to handle communication with the currency exchange microservice.

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;

public class CurrencyExchangeService {

    private RestTemplate restTemplate;

    public double convertCurrency(String from, String to, double amount) {
        // Invoke the Currency Exchange microservice
        String exchangeServiceUrl = "http://currency-exchange-service/currency-exchange/convert";
        CurrencyConversionRequest request = new CurrencyConversionRequest(from, to, amount);

        // Make a REST call to the currency exchange microservice
        double convertedAmount = restTemplate.postForObject(exchangeServiceUrl, request, Double.class);

        return convertedAmount;

4. Configure Application Properties

Configure the application properties to set up the REST template and other properties.

# RestTemplate Configuration

5. Implement a CurrencyConversionController

Create a controller class (CurrencyConversionController) to expose a REST endpoint for currency conversion.

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;

public class CurrencyConversionController {

    private CurrencyExchangeService currencyExchangeService;

    public double convertCurrency(@RequestParam String from, @RequestParam String to, @RequestParam double amount) {
        // Invoke the Currency Exchange microservice
        return currencyExchangeService.convertCurrency(from, to, amount);


  • CurrencyConversionRequest Class: Represents the structure of a currency conversion request.
  • CurrencyExchangeService: Communicates with the currency exchange microservice using a REST template.
  • CurrencyConversionController: Exposes a REST endpoint for currency conversion.


  • Microservices Communication: Invoke the currency exchange microservice to get real-time exchange rates.
  • Distributed Architecture: Integrate this microservice with other microservices for comprehensive functionality.
  • Error Handling: Implement error handling for communication failures or unexpected responses.

Important Points

  1. Service Discovery: Use service discovery mechanisms to locate the currency exchange microservice dynamically.
  2. Load Balancing: Implement load balancing strategies for better resilience.
  3. Circuit Breaker Pattern: Consider implementing the Circuit Breaker pattern for fault tolerance.


Invoking a currency exchange microservice is an essential aspect of microservices communication in a distributed system. By leveraging RESTful communication and appropriate service discovery mechanisms, microservices can seamlessly exchange information, enabling features like real-time currency conversion in applications.

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