  1. joomla-joomlavs-drupal

Joomla vs Drupal - Joomla Differences

Joomla and Drupal are both popular content management systems that can help you to create your website easily. While they are both open-source and offer similar features, they also have specific differences. In this article, we'll be exploring the differences between Joomla and Drupal, focusing on Joomla.


There is no specific syntax for Joomla vs Drupal comparison, but here are some points of comparison that can help you to decide which CMS you should use for your website.


Here are some key differences between Joomla and Drupal:

Feature Joomla Drupal
Ease of Use Easy Difficult to Learn
Templates Many Fewer in Comparison
Customizability Less Customizable Highly Customizable
Security Very Secure Highly Secure
Extensions Fewer Extensions More Extensions
Community Smaller Community Large Community


Joomla is considered more accessible than Drupal, and it is relatively easy for users to learn and use. Joomla offers a wider variety of templates, while Drupal focuses on customizability, as Drupal's templates are more flexible to mold.

Joomla is less customizable than Drupal, but it still provides exceptional freedom and flexibility where users can implement other advanced extensions later on. The primary focus for Drupal is the high customization ability.

Regarding security, Joomla is known for its ability to secure the website, while Drupal is renowned for its highly secure websites, given its key features of constant updates and an active, collaborative community.

Joomla offers fewer extensions than Drupal. Joomla has a smaller community, but it is still sufficient to support the growth of the platform. Drupal has a massive community, which is constantly updating and ensuring the system is up to date with the trends.


Joomla is a useful CMS for creating professional-looking websites that are easy to learn and use. Joomla is particularly helpful for creating eCommerce and online store websites.

On the other hand, Drupal is geared towards web developers as it focuses on in-depth website functionality and provides more flexibility.

Important Points

  • Joomla has a more straightforward interface than Drupal.
  • Joomla has more pre-designed templates, meanwhile, Drupal offers a more customize-able outlook for the templates.
  • Drupal has a larger community and more extensions compared to Joomla.
  • Joomla is excellent for eCommerce, while Drupal is preferable for more complex sites that require advanced functionality.


Both Joomla and Drupal offer a wide range of possibilities for website creation. Joomla is more accessible with a simpler interface, offering more templates while providing less customization. Drupal is ideal for users who require more advanced functionality and seek flexibility in their template design. Both are open-source and widely used content management systems that are well supported and updated regularly. What you choose will depend on your website's functionalities as well as your own comfort level with the associated learning curve.

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