  1. joomla-components-menu

Components Menu - Joomla

Joomla is a popular content management system that powers millions of websites. A component is a special type of Joomla extension that extends the core functionality of the CMS. In this article, we will explore the Components Menu in Joomla.


To create a new Component Menu in Joomla, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the administrator panel of your Joomla website.
  2. Go to Menus -> Main Menu -> Add New Menu Item.
  3. Under the Menu Item Type, select the Component option.
  4. Choose the component you want to create a menu item for.
  5. Enter a Menu Item Title and Alias (optional).
  6. Set the Access level, Parent Item (optional), and Menu Location of the menu item.
  7. Click Save & Close to create the new Menu Item.


Let's say you have installed a new component called "MyComponent" to your Joomla website. Here's how to create a new menu item for the component:

  1. Log in to the Joomla administrator panel.
  2. Go to Menus -> Main Menu -> Add New Menu Item.
  3. Under the Menu Item Type, select the Component option.
  4. In the Component field, select "MyComponent".
  5. Enter a Menu Item Title, such as "MyComponent Menu".
  6. Enter an Alias (optional).
  7. Set the Access level and Menu Location of the menu item.
  8. Click Save & Close to create the new Menu Item.


When you visit your website's frontend, you will see a new menu item called "MyComponent Menu" in the menu location you selected. Clicking on the menu item will take you to the MyComponent component.


The Components Menu in Joomla allows you to create menu items for components installed on your website. This makes it easy for users to access the component from the frontend of your website.


Components Menu is useful when you have installed a new component to your Joomla website and want to provide quick access to it for your website users.

Important Points

  • The Components Menu in Joomla allows you to create menu items for components installed on your website.
  • Menu items can be set to different access levels.
  • Menu items can be placed in various locations on your website.


In this article, we explored the Components Menu in Joomla. We discussed the syntax for creating a new Component Menu item, an example of creating a menu item for a component, the output of the example, explanation of the Components Menu feature, its uses, and its important points. The Components Menu in Joomla is a great way to provide quick access to components installed on your website. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily create new menu items for your Joomla website's components.

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