  1. joomla-adding-menu-items

Adding Menu Items - Joomla Menus

Joomla is a popular content management system that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing web content. One of the most important aspects of any website is a clear and well-organized navigation menu. In this article, we'll explore how to add menu items in Joomla.


The syntax for adding menu items in Joomla is as follows:

  1. Log in to the Joomla administrator dashboard.
  2. Click on Menus and select the menu that you want to add the menu item to.
  3. Click on the New button to create a new menu item.
  4. Choose the menu item type that you want to add, such as an article, category, or external link.
  5. Fill out the required fields for the menu item, such as the title and menu item alias.
  6. Save the menu item.


Here is an example of adding a new menu item in Joomla:

  1. Log in to the Joomla administrator dashboard.
  2. Click on Menus and select the menu that you want to add the menu item to.
  3. Click on the New button to create a new menu item.
  4. Select the Article option and choose the article that you want to link to.
  5. Fill out the required fields, such as the title and menu item alias.
  6. Save the menu item.


The new menu item will appear in the menu that you selected, linking to the article that you selected.


Menus in Joomla provide a way to organize and structure your website's content, making it easier for users to navigate. Adding a new menu item in Joomla involves selecting the menu that you want to add the item to, choosing the type of menu item that you want to add, filling out the required fields, and saving the item.


Adding menu items in Joomla is an essential task when creating a website that has a clear and easy-to-navigate menu. It allows you to quickly add links to your content, categories, or external links.

Important Points

  • The menu items in Joomla provide structure to the website's content, making it easier for users to navigate.
  • When adding a new menu item, it is essential to fill out the required fields to provide accurate information to the users.
  • Menu items can link to different types of content, such as articles, categories, or external links.


In this article, we explored how to add menu items in Joomla. We discussed the syntax for adding menu items, an example of adding a new menu item, the output of the example, explanation of menu items in Joomla, their uses, and their important points. The menu items in Joomla provide structure to the website's content, allowing the users to navigate the site with ease. By understanding how to add menu items, you can create a well-organized and easy-to-navigate website using Joomla.

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