  1. jmeter-timers

Timers - JMeter Test Plan

In JMeter, Timers are used to introduce delays between requests to simulate realistic user behavior. By introducing timers, we can control the rate at which JMeter sends requests to the target application.


To use a Timer in JMeter, we need to follow the following syntax format:

${__<Timer Type>(<parameter>,<defaultVal>)}

Where <Timer Type> is the type of timer we want to use, <parameter> is the value of the parameter for the timer, and <defaultVal> is the default value of the parameter.


Let's look at an example of using a Timer in a JMeter Test Plan.

Suppose we want to test a web application where multiple users are accessing the website at the same time. We want to introduce a delay between each request to simulate a realistic user scenario. We can use the following Timer:


This Timer will introduce a delay of 3 seconds between two requests.


The Timer will introduce a delay between two requests as per the specified time interval.


Timers are used to simulate real-world scenarios where there is a delay between two requests. In JMeter, we can introduce delays between requests using various types of Timers such as Constant Timer, Gaussian Random Timer, Poisson Random Timer, Uniform Random Timer, and more.


Using Timers in JMeter creates realistic test scenarios and helps identify performance issues that can only occur during high user traffic.

Important Points

  • Timers are used in JMeter to introduce delays between requests.
  • JMeter provides various types of Timers to simulate realistic scenarios.
  • Timers are useful to identify performance issues that can occur only during high user traffic.


In this tutorial, we have learned about Timers in JMeter Test Plan. We looked at the syntax of Timers, how to use Timers in JMeter Test Plan, and the importance of Timers in simulating real-world scenarios. By introducing Timers, we can make the JMeter Test Plan more realistic and identify performance issues under high user traffic.

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