  1. jmeter-basic-terminology

Basic Terminology - JMeter Tutorial

JMeter is an open-source software that is used to perform load testing and measures the performance of a variety of servers, protocols, and platforms. In this tutorial, we will cover basic terminology used in JMeter.

Basic Terminology

Test Plan

The test plan is the main component of the JMeter software. It contains a collection of elements that describe the test. It includes thread groups, controllers, listeners, and assertions.

Thread Group

A thread group is a collection of threads that work together to perform the test. Each thread represents a virtual user, and can perform a specific task.


A controller is responsible for managing the flow of requests between threads and samplers. It defines how requests are sent to the server, and how responses are processed.


A sampler is responsible for sending requests to the server. It can be a HTTP Request, FTP Request, JDBC Request, or any other type of request.


A listener is responsible for collecting and displaying results after the test is run. It can display results in the form of tables, graphs, logs, or any other type of output.


An assertion is responsible for verifying the response received from the server. It is used to check if the response is correct or not.


A timer is responsible for adding a delay between requests sent by a thread. It can be used to simulate real-world scenarios where multiple users are sending requests to the server.


A pre-processor is responsible for modifying the request before it is sent to the server. It can be used to add headers, parameters, or any other type of data to the request.


A post-processor is responsible for modifying the response received from the server. It can be used to extract data from the response and store it in variables.


Assertions help in verifying the correctness of responses received from the server. There are several types of assertions available in JMeter, such as Response Assertion, Duration Assertion, Size Assertion, etc.

Use of Basic Terminology

By understanding these basic terminologies, you can create and manage test plans, configure thread groups, controllers, samplers, and listeners. You can also use assertions to verify the correctness of the responses received from the server.

Important Points

  • JMeter is an open-source software that can be used for load testing and measuring the performance of servers, protocols, and platforms.
  • The test plan is the main component of JMeter and contains several elements such as thread group, controller, sampler, listener, assertion, timer, and pre-processor/post-processor.
  • Thread group represents a collection of threads, which are virtual users.
  • Controller defines how requests are sent to the server and how responses are processed.
  • Sampler sends requests to the server and Listener displays the results.
  • Timer adds a delay between requests and Pre/Post processors modify requests and responses respectively.
  • Assertions verify the correctness of responses received from the server.


In this tutorial, we discussed the basic terminologies used in JMeter, such as test plan, thread group, controller, sampler, listener, assertion, timer, and pre-processor/post-processor. By understanding these basic concepts, you can create, configure, and manage test plans effectively and increase the performance of servers, protocols, and platforms.

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