  1. jmeter-build-jmetertest-plan

Build JMeter Test Plan - JMeter Tutorial

Apache JMeter is an open-source performance testing tool used to test web applications, APIs, and databases. In this tutorial, we will learn how to build a JMeter Test Plan.

Building a JMeter Test Plan


  1. Create a Thread Group by Right-click Test Plan -> Add -> Threads (Users) -> Thread Group.
  2. Configure Thread Group Properties according to requirements.
  3. Add Sampler(s) to the Thread Group. Right-click Thread Group -> Add -> Sampler -> HTTP Request (for web applications).
  4. Add Listener(s) to the Thread Group to see the results. Right-click Thread Group -> Add -> Listener -> View Results in Table.


Let's create a Test Plan to test a web application using JMeter:

  1. Add a Thread Group:

    • Name: Test Group
    • Number of Threads: 50
    • Ramp-Up Period: 10
  2. Add a Sampler:

    • Name: Open Homepage
    • Protocol: HTTP
    • Method: GET
    • Path: /
    • Server Name or IP:
    • Port Number: 80
  3. Add a Listener:

    • Name: View Results in Table


The above test plan will send 50 concurrent GET requests to the homepage of the website, and JMeter will display the results in a table format.


In JMeter, a Test Plan consists of at least one Thread Group and one or more Samplers. The Thread Group controls the number of users and the duration of the test, and the Sampler sends requests to the server under test.

To create a Test Plan, we first create a Thread Group and configure its properties, including the number of threads (or users) and the ramp-up period (the time it takes to start all threads).

Next, we add Samplers to the Thread Group, which send requests to the server under test using the specified protocol, method, path, server name or IP, and port number.

Finally, we add Listeners to the Thread Group to see the results of the test. Listeners can be used to view results in table or graph format, aggregate results across multiple threads or tests, and save results to a file.


By using JMeter, teams can test the performance, load, stress, and concurrency of web applications, APIs, and databases to ensure they meet their requirements and perform optimally under heavy load.

Important Points:

  • JMeter is an open-source performance testing tool used to test web applications, APIs, and databases.
  • A JMeter Test Plan consists of at least one Thread Group and one or more Samplers.
  • Listeners can be used to view and analyze test results.


In this tutorial, we learned how to build a JMeter Test Plan to test a web application. We discussed the syntax and example for creating a Thread Group, adding a Sampler, and adding a Listener, and explained their purpose. By using JMeter, teams can ensure that their web applications, APIs, and databases perform optimally under heavy load.

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