  1. codeigniter-url-routing

URL Routing in CodeIgniter

URL Routing is the process of mapping a URL to a controller and its associated action in CodeIgniter. It allows developers to define custom URLs that are easy to read and remember, and make the application more user-friendly. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use URL Routing in CodeIgniter.


The syntax for URL Routing in CodeIgniter is as follows:

$route['url'] = 'controller/method/parameter';


Let's say we want to create a user profile page with a URL like /profile/username. We can use URL Routing to map this URL to a controller and its associated method, like this:

$route['profile/(:any)'] = 'user/profile/$1';

In the above example, profile/(:any) is the custom URL we want to create, and user/profile/$1 is the controller and method we want to map it to. The :any wildcard allows any character to be passed as the username parameter.


URL Routing in CodeIgniter works by using a regex-like pattern to match a URL to a specific controller and its method. The custom URL is defined in the $route array, and the corresponding controller and method are defined in the URL pattern.

In the example above, when a user enters the URL /profile/johndoe, CodeIgniter will match it to the URL pattern profile/(:any) and the username parameter johndoe will be passed to the user/profile controller and its associated method.


URL Routing in CodeIgniter allows developers to create custom URLs that are easy to read and remember, and make the application more user-friendly. It is particularly useful for creating custom URLs for user profiles, product pages, and other dynamic content.

Important Points

  • URL Routing in CodeIgniter is defined in the $route array in the config/routes.php file.
  • Wildcards can be used in the URL pattern to pass parameters to the corresponding controller and method.
  • The order of the URL patterns in the $route array is important, as CodeIgniter will match the first pattern that matches the requested URL.


URL Routing in CodeIgniter is a powerful feature that allows developers to create custom URLs that are easy to read and remember. It works by using a regex-like pattern to match a URL to a specific controller and its method, and is particularly useful for creating custom URLs for dynamic content. URL Routing is defined in the $route array in the config/routes.php file, and wildcards can be used to pass parameters to the corresponding controller and method.

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