  1. codeigniter-methods


Methods are a key component of CodeIgniter, a popular PHP framework. Methods are functions that are defined within a controller and are called by the framework in response to a user request. Methods can be used to perform a wide range of tasks, including data validation, authentication, data retrieval and processing, and template rendering.


The syntax for defining a method in CodeIgniter is as follows:

public function method_name()
    // Method code goes here


Consider the following example that defines a simple controller with two methods:

class Example_controller extends CI_Controller {

    public function index()
        echo 'This is the default method.';

    public function custom()
        echo 'This is a custom method.';


In this example, the Example_controller class defines two methods: index and custom. The index method is the default method that is called when no other method is specified, while the custom method is called explicitly by the user.


A method in CodeIgniter is a function that is defined within a controller class. The method can take parameters or require input data for processing. Methods are called by the CodeIgniter framework in response to a user request, typically triggered by a URL.

Methods can perform a wide range of tasks, such as data validation and processing, authentication and authorization, database operations, and rendering views and templates.


Methods in CodeIgniter are used to define the business logic for an application. By defining methods within a controller, developers can organize the code into discrete units of functionality, making the application easier to read, maintain, and extend.

Methods can also be used to perform common tasks, such as data validation, authentication, and template rendering, simplifying the development process and reducing the risk of errors.

Important Points

  • Methods are defined within a controller class in CodeIgniter.
  • Methods can take parameters or require input data for processing.
  • Methods are called by the CodeIgniter framework in response to a user request.
  • Methods can perform a wide range of tasks, such as data validation and processing, authentication and authorization, database operations, and rendering views and templates.


Methods are a key component of CodeIgniter, allowing developers to organize code into discrete units of functionality. Methods can perform a wide range of tasks, including data validation, authentication, data retrieval and processing, and template rendering. By using methods, developers can create maintainable and extensible applications with reduced risk of errors.

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