  1. codeigniter-url


In CodeIgniter, URLs play a key role in defining the routes and actions for web applications. Understanding the syntax and structure of URLs in CodeIgniter is important for building dynamic and user-friendly web applications.


The general syntax for CodeIgniter URLs is as follows:


Consider the following URL for a sample CodeIgniter application:

This URL would call the display function of the products controller and pass 345 as the ID parameter.


In CodeIgniter, the index.php file serves as the default front controller for the web application. The first segment of the URL specifies the controller to be called, followed by the function to execute and any parameters to pass.

The controller is a PHP class that defines the logic for a specific section or feature of the application. The function corresponds to a particular action or method within the controller, while the ID parameter can be used for retrieving specific data or performing other operations.


In CodeIgniter, URLs are used for defining the routes and actions of web applications. URLs can be customized and optimized for search engine optimization (SEO), user-friendliness, and other purposes. Proper URL structure can improve the overall user experience and make it easier for users to navigate and interact with your web application.

Important Points

  • URLs in CodeIgniter can be customized using the routing feature of the framework.
  • URLs can include additional segments for passing more parameters or for defining more complex routes.
  • SEO-friendly URLs are recommended for improving the visibility and search engine ranking of web applications.


Understanding the syntax and structure of URLs in CodeIgniter is important for building dynamic and user-friendly web applications. URLs play a key role in defining the routes and actions of web applications, and can be customized and optimized for SEO and user-friendliness. Proper URL structure can improve the user experience and make it easier for users to navigate and interact with your web application.

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