  1. bugzilla-user-roles-and-permissions

Bugzilla User Roles and Permissions

Bugzilla provides a robust system of user roles and permissions, allowing administrators to control access and actions within the bug tracking system. Understanding these roles and permissions is crucial for managing the bug tracking process effectively. This guide will cover the syntax, examples, output, explanations, use cases, important points, and a summary of Bugzilla user roles and permissions.


Bugzilla user roles and permissions are managed through the Bugzilla web interface by administrators. Common roles include:

  • Admin: Full administrative access.
  • Developer: Access to create, edit, and resolve bugs.
  • QA Contact: Responsible for QA-related tasks on specific components.
  • Reporter: Can report new bugs.
  • Commenter: Can add comments to existing bugs.


Assigning user roles in Bugzilla:

  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the "User Administration" section.
  3. Select a user and assign appropriate roles and permissions.


The output of managing user roles and permissions includes:

  • Users having specific rights and capabilities based on their assigned roles.
  • Controlled access to bug creation, editing, commenting, and other actions.


  • Bugzilla user roles control access to various bug tracking features and actions.
  • The administrator assigns roles based on the responsibilities of individuals within the development and testing teams.


Bugzilla user roles and permissions are used for:

  • Ensuring that users have the necessary access rights for their roles.
  • Managing who can create, edit, and resolve bugs.
  • Restricting access to sensitive information or certain actions within Bugzilla.

Important Points

  • Administrators have the highest level of access and can configure user roles.
  • User roles can be customized to fit the specific needs of an organization.
  • Understanding the responsibilities associated with each role is essential for effective bug tracking.


Bugzilla user roles and permissions are a crucial aspect of managing a bug tracking system. By assigning appropriate roles to users, organizations can ensure that individuals have the necessary access and capabilities for their responsibilities. Understanding the configuration and management of user roles is key to maintaining an organized and controlled bug tracking process in Bugzilla.

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