  1. bugzilla-bug-status-and-life-cycle

Bug Status and Life Cycle - Bugzilla Basics

Bugzilla is an open-source bug tracking system used by many organizations around the world to track and manage software defects. It helps teams stay organized and ensure that bugs are resolved quickly. In this tutorial, we will focus on the bug status and life cycle in Bugzilla.

Understanding Bug Status and Life Cycle


Bugzilla provides several options to manage the status and life cycle of bugs. The following are the common bug statuses:

  • NEW: A newly registered bug that has not been confirmed by a developer yet.
  • ASSIGNED: A bug that has been assigned to a developer to fix.
  • RESOLVED: A bug that has been resolved/fixed but has not yet been verified by a tester.
  • VERIFIED: A bug that has been fixed and verified by a tester.


Let's assume we found a bug in our software application. We can follow the Bugzilla life cycle to manage and track the bug.

  1. A new bug is registered with the status NEW.
  2. The bug is assigned to a developer with the status ASSIGNED.
  3. The developer works on the bug and marks it as RESOLVED when complete.
  4. The tester verifies the bug and marks it as VERIFIED.
  5. If the bug is not fixed, it can be marked as REOPENED.


The output of the bug status and life cycle in Bugzilla is a clear picture of the progress of the bug from registration to resolution. This helps teams manage and track bugs efficiently.


The bug status and life cycle in Bugzilla represent the progress of a bug from registration to resolution. A bug can be assigned to a developer, fixed, and verified by a tester. If the bug is not fixed, it can be marked as REOPENED. The different statuses help track the bug and ensure that it is resolved quickly.


Bugzilla's bug status and life cycle is useful for managing and tracking bugs in software applications. By following a defined process, teams can efficiently resolve bugs and ensure that the user experience is not impacted negatively.

Important Points

  • Bugzilla provides several options to manage the status and life cycle of bugs.
  • The NEW, ASSIGNED, RESOLVED, and VERIFIED statuses represent the progress of the bug from registration to resolution.
  • The bug status and life cycle help teams manage and track bugs efficiently.


In this tutorial, we learned about the bug status and life cycle in Bugzilla. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points to provide a better understanding of how Bugzilla helps manage and track bugs in software applications. By using Bugzilla's bug status and life cycle, teams can efficiently resolve bugs and ensure that the user experience is not impacted negatively.

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